About Mozy
Mozy is a Brand Director working in luxury fashion for over 10 years. Having spent most of this time running the Grenfell 1923 brand and being behind the brand’s re-launch in 2016, Mozy has covered all areas of brand management and excels in sales/distribution as well as marketing strategies, product development, order/production management, and operations.
For over 10 years, Mozy has overseen the design and direction of collections, ensuring creativity is authentic, sustainable, and relevant to the most recent trends. Ensuring costs and pricing structures are profitable and sustainable across all regions through focused sales and distribution strategies.
With a vast amount of experience in managing collections, orders and production, Mozy has the ability to reduce costs and wastage, manage orders and create a streamlined critical path to ensure efficient and cost-effective deliveries. Spending the past couple of years building his network of sustainable and ethical suppliers, Mozy has a keen passion and understanding of how to offer the most sustainable and ethical products.
Over the past decade, Mozy has launched social media accounts, various websites and managed digital marketing to increase brand awareness, growth, and ROI. Being able to analyse data via Google Analytics, Facebook Ads, etc. Mozy is able to create new strategies and capitalise on opportunities in key markets.
Proficiently skilled in management and negotiations of key collaborations and partnerships, Mozy has overseen collaborations with key partners such as distributors, agencies, brands, and mills, being able to maximise exposure and revenue.